
Magyar Fejlesztési Központ

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Hungarian Development Centre (HDC)

Hungarian Development Centre (HDC)

Non-profit Ltd. established by the Ministry for National Development has been tasked to play a coordinative role in promoting and facilitating Hungary’s participation in direct EU programmes with a view to creating synergies with the indirect financial resources of the European Structural and Investment Funds and other European financial instruments. These programmes are: CEF, COSME, Consumer Programme 2014-2020, Creative Europe, Customs 2020, EaSI, ERASMUS+, Europe for Citizens, Fiscalis 2020, Health III Programme, Hercule III, Horizon 2020, Internal Security Fund, Justice 2014-2020 Programme, LIFE Programme, Pericles 2020, Rights, Equality and Citizenship 2014-2020 Programme.

HDC contributes to the above by:

Working towards the above objectives, the HDC Ltd actively seeks consortia partners for joint participation and collaboration in calls for proposals and tenders available under direct EU programmes.

If you are interested in finding Hungarian partner organisations for your project ideas funded through EU direct Programmes and financial instruments we invite you to inform us by email: